Nadella Invokes Youth to Leverage Cloud, Apps, Bot

Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, today delivered the keynote at Microsoft’s ‘Tech for Good, Ideas for India’ event in New Delhi. In a captivating conversation with young achievers, students, developers and entrepreneurs, Satya outlined the importance of innovation in India and celebrating the technology that India creates. Talking about the future of computing he said, “To me, this idea of conversations-as- a-platform is a pretty transformative change in computing that I think we’re in the very early stages of. I can’t wait to see what you all create on top of this platform. The other innovation that I am completely blown away by is mixed reality and augmented reality.” According to him, mixed reality, where analog and digital come together, will fundamentally change computing forever. “As a result, architecture and industrial design won’t be the same again,” he said. “Think about what NASA scientists are able to do. They’re able to see the Rover move on Mars but the holographic output of the Rover is right there in their office. They can walk around and examine the soil on Mars as a holographic output. That transformation I think is what we can all look forward to,” Nadella said. Exhorting the youth to leverage technology to enhance productivity, he said, “It’s your ingenuity that is going to change our lives and our work.” According to Nadella, the three game changing platforms that Microsoft is creating are – the intelligent cloud platform that gives every application cognition and computational resources; the idea of reinventing productivity and business process through bots; and lastly, the apps. “Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. It’s not about celebrating our technologies, it is about really celebrating the technologies that you all in India create. In fact, I want us to be the platform creators that foster the ingenuity of what is happening in India,” he added.

Yashvendra Singh

BW Reporters Yashvendra is Executive Editor in BW CIOWorld. He has over 15 years of experience in journalism. Starting his career in 2000 with the Press Trust of India, he has worked in organizations such as The Indian Express, IDG (International Data Group) and Business India. During the course of his career, he has covered a range of sectors, and has been instrumental in launching several brands

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