Infoholic Research predicts advanced analytics to be the #1 investment priority for CIOs in the upcoming years. The adoption and usage of advanced analytics solutions will have a major impact on executive decision-making as a result of inferences drawn from the enterprise data silos.
As per the study, North America is the leading region in the usage of advanced analytics solutions, followed by Asia-Pacific and Europe.
Riding on the back of this wide adoption of advanced analytics solutions across various sectors, the Advanced Analytics market is expected to grow at CAGR of 26.8% for the period of 2016-22.
Analyzing the market by industry vertical, the major share of Advanced Analytics solution offtake is seen from IT & Telecoms (32%), followed by Healthcare and BFSI (21% each). Growth across the verticals has led to the overall growth of the Advanced Analytics market.
K R Sreenivaasan, Founder Director at
Infoholic Research said,