TO THE NEW Ensure Business Continuity For Clients During Pandemic Lockdown

TO THE NEW, a digital technology company has been able to support and manage business continuity for all its clients during the global COVID-19 crisis and has been able to deliver services during these times.
In order to ensure a seamless transition to Work from Home for its over 1400 people, TO THE NEW immediately took to execute its contingency and operational frameworks even when a handful of cases were being reported in the country. As part of their readiness, a few teams were asked to work remotely for a period of one week, which allowed the company to improve its processes in advance and be better prepared for the future. Data and content security have remained the key priorities for TO THE NEW since its inception in 2008.
The company's IT team has ensured that it follows client confidentiality with all the security protocols built-in which are being followed with 100 per cent compliance across the organization. The company has enabled its employees with high-speed bandwidth connections at their homes with remote access via VPN to ensure complete security while accessing the customer environment remotely. It also has visible and forensic watermarking in place to ensure watertight content security.
Commenting on their Business Continuity Plan, Deepak Mittal, CEO and Co-founder, TO THE NEW said, “The current scenario has pushed businesses across the globe to think digital in order to have a sustainable recovery. TO THE NEW has been a cloud-native company serving global markets such as the USA and the Middle East. Physical proximity has never been a requirement for our operations and all our servers are accessible remotely with the right safeguards put in place.”
Highlighting TO THE NEW’s association with Invest India during COVID-19, Aditya Sharma, Chief Technology Officer, Invest India says “We are glad to be associated with TO THE NEW as our partner to Invest India, even during this precarious COVID-19 scenario. TO THE NEW helped us deliver a fully functional Business Immunity Platform - a unified platform to bring together key Government stakeholders, industry champions and logistic providers to identify and fill the demand-supply shortages in the supplies required to combat COVID-19 within 21 business days. What makes this special is that all the team members worked seamlessly in a distributed environment while ensuring all security protocols are followed, to help us formulate, align and deliver this mission-critical product quickly and effectively.”
TO THE NEW has also augmented its remote device testing capabilities by procuring additional devices and shipping heavy devices like Smart TVs directly to its employees’ homes to ensure a seamless work environment particularly for its mobile applications and OTT platform clients. To further augment its remote testing capabilities, the company has reinforced platform simulations through Cloud-based device farms to help simulate the test environment for its customers.