AI Collaboration Enhances Human Potential Rather Than Replacing it, Says Chief AI Officer, Fulcrum Digital

Sachin Panicker, Chief AI Officer at Fulcrum Digital, on key aspects of AI solutions and critical business challenges and evolving AI landscape.

As AI continues to advance, businesses are actively searching for ways to incorporate this technology into their operations. To get the most out of this technology, it is inevitable to formulate a firm set of directions to execute business operations. Initially developed as a reader for extracting data from both structured and unstructured documents, FD Ryze 1.0 evolved into an enterprise search tool, says Sachin Panicker, Chief AI Officer at Fulcrum Digital. 

It can process massive volumes of data—ranging from millions of pages to presentations—and deliver highly accurate results. Building on this, FD Ryze has transformed into an even more dynamic platform with FD Ryze Agents, autonomous tools that handle complex tasks without requiring user prompts. Events like emails or database queries trigger these agents, enabling them to seamlessly execute multiple steps in complex business operations. This demonstrates the evolution from a traditional search tool into a more robust and intelligent AI solution capable of handling sophisticated workflows.


Personalisation for Every Business:

What makes FD Ryze relevant is its modularity and flexibility. As Panicker explains, the platform’s building blocks allow for easy customisation, enabling companies to address 80–90 per cent of their business needs with minimal additional configuration. From e-commerce to manufacturing, food tech, and insurance, various industries are reaping the benefits of FD Ryze’s tailored solutions.

Implementing FD Ryze begins with a structured AI consulting phase, ensuring that the platform is tailored to meet each client's unique needs. After a discovery phase and requirement elicitation, the AI solution is deployed on either the client's on-premise or cloud infrastructure. The deployment process includes rigorous internal and user testing to ensure smooth integration. For instance, an e-commerce platform can leverage FD Ryze to recommend products based on specific customer preferences, dramatically improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.


AI evident in action: 

FD Ryze’s application in product recommendation works by analysing millions of product listings; the platform intelligently recommends items that meet a customer's specific requirements, such as technical specifications or environmental constraints. This functionality is backed by role-based access, ensuring data security and appropriate access for different users within an organisation, such as students and administrators in higher education. Unlike platforms like ChatGPT, which rely on a single large language model (LLM), FD Ryze dynamically selects the best LLM for each task, ensuring both accuracy and cost efficiency. 

This growing trust in AI is evident from Gartner’s 2023 report, which reveals that 75 per cent of enterprises plan to implement AI by 2024, up from 47 per cent in 2020. Panicker believes that businesses will only invest in AI like FD Ryze once they see real value. "Once companies witness AI’s ability to save time and increase efficiency, they will naturally invest more. FD Ryze's ability to sift through vast amounts of information in seconds, particularly for industries like customer service, is a testament to its time-saving power," he stated.


Responsible AI As New Industry Standard:

Trust in AI is essential, and FD Ryze is designed and aimed to focus on responsibility and transparency. Sachin noted that responsible AI is central to the platform's mission: "We didn’t just want an AI that works; we wanted one that people can trust." FD Ryze minimises AI hallucinations—incorrect or irrelevant responses—by delivering accurate and explainable outputs. Citing sources and giving proper context ensures that users can validate its recommendations, promoting greater trust in the system.

FD Ryze also addresses key concerns surrounding data privacy and security, particularly in regulated industries such as insurance and financial services. With 40 per cent of enterprises citing cost as a major barrier to AI adoption. AI adoption costs can be prohibitive for many businesses, but FD Ryze offers a bit-based pricing model, meaning companies only pay for what they use. This makes it accessible to businesses of all sizes, as it passes on the cost savings from optimised infrastructure and efficient models. 


The Human-AI Collaboration:

Artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing in the majority of areas and enhancing the quality of human jobs, such as diagnosing illnesses, translating languages, and offering customer support. This progress naturally fuels concerns that AI could eventually replace human workers across various sectors. 

The World Economic Forum projects that while AI may displace 85 million jobs, it will also create 97 million new roles by 2025, underscoring the importance of upskilling in the workforce. The fear that AI will replace human jobs is a common concern, but Panicker views AI as a collaborative tool that enhances human potential rather than replacing it. “Every technology, from the printing press to the internet, disrupted jobs but created new opportunities as well”, he added.


The Future of AI in Business

Gartner projects that by 2025, 40–50 per cent of businesses will have integrated AI into their operations, underscoring the massive potential for growth in this space. Panicker marked 2024 as a significant turning point for AI adoption. While businesses were hesitant in earlier years, AI has now become a fixture in boardroom discussions, with many enterprises actively seeking to integrate AI into their workflows. 

 As AI continues to shape the future of business, platforms like FD Ryze will remain essential in helping companies navigate the complexities of AI integration while building trust, improving efficiency, and making AI both accessible and sustainable. As Panicker eloquently puts it, AI is on the cusp of becoming indistinguishable from magic, and FD Ryze aims to work at the forefront of turning that magic into reality for businesses worldwide.



Musharrat Shahin

BW Reporters The author is working as correspondent with BW CIO

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