IT Software And Technology Has Changed Our Lives Like Never Before: CA Technologies

What is Digital Transformation? Why is it important to have a digital culture and how do you foster one in your enterprise? How do you deliver innovation and differentiation in the application economy? What is the role of CA Technologies in helping enterprises innovate? These were some of the questions that were addressed at The Modern Software Factory Approach to Digital Transformation by CA Technologies in association with BW Businessworld on 9th-10th August 2018 in Hyderabad.

“The assumptions on what computers can do and can’t do have changed and unfathomable things are now coming true. Things like computers interacting with the physical world, voice recognition and emotional science-­ something once thought well difficult for the computers to do is now possible at great levels.” said Sunil Manglore Managing Director, CA Technologies, India. “AI is on the rise. A person can be easily replaced by algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and automation. IT software and technology has changed our lives like never before, they are the drivers of change.” he added.

Uday Bikkasani, India CIO & VP, Cloud and Platform Services, CA Technologies, laid out their CIO agenda for 2018 which explained what digital transformation means to CA and how they deliver it. “Our enterprise technology landscape focuses on Business Systems, Developer Systems and SAAS Systems.” As part of their digital transformation goals, Uday said, “Digital marketplace, digital workplace and open enterprise are on the top of our list.”

The sessions were followed by two engaging team building activities in which the audience was divided into equal groups and were engrossed in story building and bicycle dismantling and assembling activities. These were experiential learning activities which covered effective teaming, project management and strategic planning. Post the recreation, the assembled bicycles were given to necessitous kids as part of CA Technologies’ CSR initiative.

The topics discussed at the second day of the conference at ITC Center- The Innovation Hub of CA Technologies included API Management, Continuous Delivery, Agile Operations and Security. In closing, a group discussion activity was performed wherein the audience was divided into groups to discuss their ideas and queries with CA specialists of all the sessions. Moderating the discussions were Abhijeet Singh, Principal Consultant, API Management; Pratik Singh, Principal Consultant, API Management; Kiran Diwakar, Senior Director-Product Management, Agile Operations; and Sumeet Mathur, VP, Software Engineering, Security, CA Technologies. The conference ended with very healthy discussions and valuable insights from the expert audience as well as CA Technologies.

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