Future Enterprise Cloud-enabled, Data-driven, and Edge-centric: Antonio Neri, HPE

Antonio Neri, CEO and president, HPE, presented the keynote at the ongoing HPE Discover 2018 in Madrid, Spain.

He said: "We have been showcasing our culture -- to help advance your business. We are here to guide you in this exciting time. We will talk about our vision of the enterprise of the future. Technology's greatest gift is to advance your vision. We are advancing the way people act. We are looking at Tech Impact 2030. HPE is advancing precision medicine via memory-driven computing with Jungla. We are also accelerating discovery, especially with DZNE. We are working with Purdue University as well. We are working with NASA with our supercomputer.

Future enterprise
"The future enterprise will be cloud-enabled and data-driven, besides being edge-centric. We created HPE to transform people, technology and economics. HPE can uniquely address all of the three areas. HPE is innovating to help you and your processes. Apps and data are the key. We are today utilizing 6 percent of data, meaning, 94 percent is not utilized. The edge is where we live, learn and go.

"The best cloud partner is an unbiased partner. Our vision is to deliver a composable cloud. Everything has to do with your data. AI-driven applications are important. We are delivering everything-as-a-service everywhere. We are managing change in the business transformation journey as well. As much as $17 bn is spent on cloud advisory services each year. We are doing this for companies, example, here, in Spain.

"HPE Financial Services can also help you in your journey. HPE can help you meet all of your outcomes. We are also working with the Mercedes F1 team to work on their car for the next season. We have also embedded two guys into the Mercedes F1 team. "The partnership with HPE helps us in digital transformation," says Toto Wolf, Mercedes.

"A big part of what we do with Mercedes is to do with edge. Edge is everywhere, where technology gets into action. It deploys AI, ML, etc., in real time. We need to bring compute closer to the edge. We have already made investments to make this happen. Currently, 94 percent of the data is untapped or lost. We want to change that. Ajax has implemented an Aruba network in their training facility.

"We have a clear vision: building a platform for the intelligent edge. The cloud is your destination, but there is more, beyond. We are looking at hybrid IT."

Platform for intelligent edge
Keerti Melkote, president, Intelligent Edge, and SVP/GM and founder of Aruba Networks, a business unit of HPE, said: "Digital disruption is all around us. The next decade's focus will be on the edge. There will also be a smart digital workplace. Mobile first is the starting point. It will help leverage information about where you are located, and provide solutions. IoT is another big trend. Smart furniture is yet another thing happening. As employees embrace an all-digital workplace, you can analyse how the workplace is being used, and transform.

"In hospitals, you can have better care given to you, via connected experience. In some shopper stores, its about getting a better shopping experience. The intelligent edge will transform your business. In smart digital factory, it changes your experience. It brings IT and OT together. We have partnered with Siemens and its OT. We are now building the platform for the intelligent edge.

"We are also harnessing data to understand user behavior. We are able to optimize and enhance the user experience. We need to bring compute, storage and data together. Besides the edge data center, we are protecting IoT devices at the edge. IoT analytics and security are the foundation. Edge software platform is the way we are going to deliver the platform. We are excited about the edge software platform. We are part of the Wi-Fi 6 as well."

Hybrid is new reality
Phil Davis, president Hybrid IT and chief sales officer, HPE noted: "Discussions with enterprises inevitably lead to cloud. Cloud is much more about the experience. We also hear about inconsistent experiences. Hybrid is the new reality. That's been validated by our customers as well. We have also developed a wealth of unique IP in hybrid cloud.

"Santander realized IT was slowing them down. They wanted to dynamically scale. We did a hybrid cloud for them. IT is now free to focus on higher value tasks. Santander is a great example that the world is truly hybrid.

"HPE's composable vision is hybrid cloud management, providing composable software platform, and a workload optimized infrastructure. HPE OneView has been developed, focused on moving your business forward. We continue to focus on composable vision. HPE Composable Fabric has been announced by HPE. It reduces networking resources by 70 percent.

"You also want infrastructure that is smart. We have built HPE InfoSight to find and fix up to 86 percent of your storage problems, even without you knowing them.

"Customers have multiple silos of data. Storage has to be intelligent enough to store data where it should be. We are announcing the acquisition of BlueData. It is available on the HPE Apollo. On HPC, we are leading the way. We are also leading in memory-driven computing. HPE OneSphere allows you to provision workloads in the cloud, and on premise, and allows you to be aware of your cost usage. Data is the new currency."


Pradeep Chakraborty

BW Reporters Pradeep is an editorial member at BW CIO.

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