
Sarabjeet Kaur


The author is a Correspondent with BW Businessworld and an editorial member of BW CIOWORLD. She has keen interest in Information Technology.

Latest Articles By Sarabjeet Kaur

Security And Data Retention Are No Longer A Concern While Leveraging Cloud: TO THE NEW

Narinder Kumar, EVP, Technology Services, TO THE NEW, in an exclusive interaction with Sarabjeet Kaur, delved on the present Indian scenario of Cloud Computing and how it is providing new paradigms for SMEs and MSMEs.

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Emerging Markets Like India Are Projecting Massive Growth Levels: Iron Mountain

Iron Mountain is a global provider of storage and information management services. Having worked with more than 230,000 customers across 53 countries, the 65 years old company fully started its function in India in 2016. It has from thereon seen multi-fold growth in the records management sector. Hitesh Gupta, Managing Director, Iron Mountain-India, shares the company’s journey in India. Excerpts:

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What’s In Store for AI and ML In 2018?

As time passes, large and small enterprises are all aiming to support or replace manual human-based activities with intelligent automation

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'Security Is The Forefront Concern Of All Organizations'

Amit Nath, Head of Asia Pacific (Corporate Business), India & SAARC – F-Secure, shares his insights on how the security sector was impacted in 2017 and what will be the upcoming trends for 2018. Amit Nath in conversation with Sarabjeet Kaur. Excerpts:

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A Flashback to Technologies Which Shook 2017

As the year draws to a close, we are taking a look back at technologies that topped the charts in 2017, where experts weigh in with their opinions

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Technology is the Enabler of an Inclusive Workplace for PwDs

The Indian IT industry boasts of a total employee base of 3.9 million people. The industry has added 600,000 employees in last three years. However, the percentage of People with Disabilities (PwDs) in the industry is just below 1 per cent at present. Even though there is demand, there still lies a big question on their supply. This again arises another question, why are the deaf persons not getting their chance at such opportunities? When approached, the experts have one answer and two solutions to the question.

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Video Transforms Workplace by Allowing You to Be in Two Places At Once: Polycom

How much impact can video collaboration tools make; from employee happiness, saving lives, providing better education, and pollution standpoint? Chris Thorson, Senior Director, Polycom, tells us more in conversation with Sarabjeet Kaur. Excerpts:

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Converging Personal and Workplace Identities: A Dodgy Move

The internet landscape is growing every second at an exponential rate. It is not just about computers, laptops, and smartphones anymore as now we have an army of devices which are connected to each other through the internet.

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