This World Backup Day, COAI spreads awareness about the importance of data backup. Our lives are relying on data more than ever. With splurge in mobile technology and change in data consumption patterns of people, data backup has become more than necessary. Data is now an integral part of our lives.
Insight: Be it the official files, movies or personal stuff, we always take our data for granted. Since, our data is easily accessible to us; we never realize what will we do if we lose our data?
Most of us have a single and the original copy of file for our everyday use. Our lives are so fast paced that we tend to skip creating backups for our data. Hence, COAI releases a video on its social channels that highlights how important our data is and teaches the audience to choose safety over convenience when it comes to their data.
COAI used YouTube as a prime source for this campaign and leveraged it on twitter as well.