Thirst and Ability of Bandwidth Key to Accommodate and Practice Digital Initiatives

It is said that digitalization in every area of business will lead to an intelligence enterprise. TG Dhandapani, retired CIO, and advisor at Sundaram Clayton, tells BW CIO more. Excerpts:

BW CIO: What steps are being taken toward being a digital enterprise?

TG Dhandapani: The steps generally taken by any organization to be a digital enterprise is based on thirst and ability of the bandwidth to accommodate and practice digital initiatives. Hence, in some areas, it will be deep and strong, but in the other areas, the penetration would be moderate.

For example, for a B2C organization, digital marketing may be a priority. But, for B2B, it could be digital product development or digital manufacturing. Over a period of time, being digital in all the functions would provide maximum business benefits as the strength of the chain is in its weakest link.

BW CIO: Have you moved toward being an intelligent enterprise? As of now, only 2 percent Apac enterprises have achieved that.

TG Dhandapani: Intelligent enterprise is one where the decisions are automated based on data to improve the business performance. Digitalization in every area of business will lead to an intelligence enterprise and that’s why we observe small numbers.

It is also a moving target and no one can certify that it’s a digital enterprise. Family-run business, centrally-run business, etc., have very little scope to become an intelligent business.

BW CIO: How is the IoT vision and adoption plan, as well as business engagement in developing a return on investment for IoT?

TG Dhandapani: Among the many technologies, IoT will be the right bet as it helps in improving productivity, quality and traceability. Per se, every IoT project will bring adequate RoI when implemented properly. But, the gold mine is in the data collected, while institutionalizing IoT projects.

It will also help in redefining design and  process standards, decoding patent knowledge and efficient customer connect.

BW CIO: How well are you keeping your employees informed?

TG Dhandapani: There are many ways of keeping employees informed, both formally and informally. Corporate social connect has proven to be more efficient. But, in the brick and motor organization, it is a big challenge to involve floor-level workers. Thanks to the smartphone penetration, the connect is spreading.

BW CIO: What is the status of video surveillance in the company? Why is India lagging?

TG Dhandapani: The challenge in video surveillance is not the investment, but the way to monitor and make productive use of data. Video analytics play a great role in the success of video surveillance penetration.

Presence of cheap, non-standard video cameras are the main problem. Most of the cases, the investment in video surveillance is for compliance, rather than strategic.

BW CIO: How are you bringing the unified approach to enterprise service management?

TG Dhandapani: The best way is to consider service as a profit center. Once you consider it in that way, unified approach becomes by default. This will improve the customer connect and increase the brand value.

BW CIO: What security measures you would assign for enterprises in 2018?

TG Dhandapani: Hygiene is the fundamental, and without it, nothing will work. Awareness and constant communication to digital users are fundamental.


Pradeep Chakraborty

BW Reporters Pradeep is an editorial member at BW CIO.

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