Sheela Foam Uses IoT for Scientific Mattress Selection: Pertish Mankotia

A leader in Polyurethane (PU) Foam, Sheela Group is a multi-billion rupee entity. It has a nationwide presence in manufacturing PU Foam with a global marketing perspective and an impeccable track record, since 1971. The Sheela Group is committed to a one-point programme of bringing comfort, convenience and luxury to enhance the lifestyle of a modern home.

Pertisth Mankotia, Head IT, at Sheela Foam (Sleepwell), speaks with Pradeep Chakraborty regarding the digital enterprise. Excerpts:

BW CIO: What steps are being taken toward being a digital enterprise?

Pertish Mankotia: All the processes at SFL are being driven digitally. We have integrated all internal, as well as external processes, with the help of IT.

We make use of technology like AI, robotics, IoT to bring in more automation in business functions and processes. We have used IoT technology for scientific mattress selection, a distinct benefits to the end customer.

We can digitally track our product movement right from production to the end customers. In case of any defective product return journey is also traceable. This is made possible by the use of RFID tags inside the mattress.

BW CIO: Have you moved toward being an intelligent enterprise? As of now, only 2 percent Apac enterprises have achieved that.

Pertish Mankotia: We are progressing in this direction. However, we cannot measure it completely.

With the help of IT, we ensure that our products are not sold at the unauthorized outlets. Market operating prices are maintained. We have also devised a scientific method of selecting a mattress by mapping body pressure points.

We are able to run real time schemes on tertiary sales digitally.

BW CIO: How is your IoT vision and adoption plan, as well as business engagement in developing a return on investment for IoT?

Pertish Mankotia: We do not measure IoT in terms of RoI. However, we analyse it on parameters like value creation, competitive advantage, etc. IoT has opened new avenues for business processes and products.

BW CIO: How well are you keeping your employees informed? What steps have been taken

Pertish Mankotia: We build awareness through regular communication, demonstrate benefits, conduct open houses, etc.

BW CIO: What is the status of video surveillance in the company? Why is India lagging

Pertish Mankotia: We actually have 11 factories across India and all have video surveillance. We are able to improve on our security services though video surveillance. Being a fire-hazardous industry, we need to be far more agile on this front. We have a central control room which is monitored 24 x 7.

As a country, we lag behind as people are hesitant and India is a late starter. We believe that traditional method are better, and physical presence is must.

BW CIO: How are you bringing the unified approach to enterprise service management

Pertish Mankotia: We have one single application, home grown ERP “greatplus”, which is common for all, i.e., internal employees, 120 plus distributors, 5,000 plus dealers, and a few vendors. The application is fully integrated. This helps us to create unified ways to handle processes. We are able to operate in much more systematic and standardize manner, we share and implement best practices with ease.

BW CIO: What are the security measures you would assign for enterprises in 2018?

Pertish Mankotia: Security should be adopted in design while building the application, network, infrastructure, communication, etc. Users should be made aware on security measures and risk associated with their breach.


Pradeep Chakraborty

BW Reporters Pradeep is an editorial member at BW CIO.

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