Senseforth AI Platform Combines Cognitive Computing with Conversational Ability

Senseforth, founded in 2012, is a home-grown humanlike conversation platform powered by artificial intelligence. Senseforth AI Research can address queries, resolve issues, perform tasks and even help customers shop.

Senseforth’s AI platform, called A.Ware combines cognitive computing with conversational ability to provide effective solutions to customers who seek great solutions in a fast-paced environment.

Sridhar Marri, CEO and co-founder, Senseforth AI Research, said: “Consumers are at the heart of our business. They seek quality solutions in real time. Understanding this vast need, we at Senseforth offer our customers a platform that combines cognitive computing with conversational ability to provide effective solutions. To emphasize on this technology development to facilitate a strong customer relationship, is our goal ahead.”

It has the widest range of bots anywhere in the world. The Bot club – a collection of chatbots that automate several human intensive processes in an enterprise are paving the way to disrupt enterprise technology space. The bots are put to use for five different scenarios:

Answering queries: Customers have a plethora of questions and want an instant response. Senseforth bots engage with them one-on-one in a humanlike manner.

Resolving issues: Customers want their issues resolved too, along with their queries answered. We help them categorize, prioritize, and help resolve issues with amazing speed and accuracy.

Performing tasks: We help users perform tasks ranging from simple tasks like applying for leave or crucial tasks like transferring funds through backend transactions.

Recommending products: Our bots can help users arrive at right products based on their context and need.

Deriving insights: Our bots provide meaningful insights into business aspects, customer behaviour and even provide predictive analytics.

Senseforth’s solutions can be deployed on web, mobile, internal systems, messaging apps and even on social platforms. We have our solutions installed in banking, travel, e-commerce and healthcare sectors.

Krishna Kadiri, chief innovation officer and co-founder, noted: “The power of artificial intelligence is exponentially increasing. Intelligent business bots are revolutionizing the way products and services are designed, delivered and consumed. Advances in AI has created a disruptive environment that will invade the technology ecosphere. Intelligent bots will change the organization’s lens from business centric to customer centric approach.”

One of the key focus area is the BFSI domain where, it has witnessed faster rate of AI adoption, compared to other industries. We work with many of India’s high profile banking institutions.

Recently, the chatbot, EVA, developed for HDFC, became the smartest chatbot in India. EVA, India’s first and largest banking chatbot, was launched in March 2017, to provide smart services to the customers of HDFC Bank. Till date, EVA has managed to interact with over 530,000 unique users nearly holding 1.2 million conversations and addressing their 2.7 million queries spontaneously.

Senseforth has also developed an executive assistant bot – a high-level dashboard interface for the CXOs, who often juggle with multiple tasks and priorities. The bot pulls data from sales, marketing and technical initiatives and channelizes it into meaningful insights, that helps the leadership make informed choices. This entire process happens on a conversational platform rather than the clunky and conventional dashboards.

HR bot is another popular bot it has developed. HR is one wing of every corporate organization that is filled with regular intense activity. Employee requests such as leaves, policy queries and other HR activities take up much of time. To manage all these mundane but important activities, we have designed our HR bot, which brings together all these functionalities on a single, intelligent platform. This bot by itself is capable of bringing a revolution in the HR industry in ways people management is perceived.

Ritesh Radhakrishnan, CTO and co-founder, Senseforth AI Research, added: "For most enterprises, technology has become more complex than their own businesses. It has turned out to be an unmanageable power to deal with. It is in the same space, the technology domain, that artificial intelligence aims to serve the customers better with a powerful combination of massive computational ability and sensitized human behavioral understanding."

Intelligent business bots
According to Senseforth, there are intelligent business bots for enterprises.

Enterprise software has been like an unmanageable T-Rex for many decades. Clunky, Unwieldy, and archaic. Now this space is ripe for disruption. There is a wave of “Consumerization of enterprises” sweeping the large companies today. It is manifesting in several ways with tools like intelligent chatbots, collaboration workflows, frictionless user interfaces, etc.

The bots will pave the way to efficient enterprise management - the value stagflation of many large enterprises can be collared easily with the help of business bots. They will strip enterprises from labyrinthine structures and make them revolve around customers, an indispensable precondition to reviving businesses.

Business bots drive down cost-to-serve, dis-intermediate customer interactions and unshackle business processes. Soon, enterprises will be able to subscribe to these business bots online just like the way you subscribe to Netflix and watch movies. Customers will be able to browse many a Botflix and subscribe to a choice of bots for as low as 100 dollars a month or on a Pay Per Action (PPA) model.

Intelligence bots in repertoire
Bots add value to an organization by transforming external touch points and internal operational intersections, which, allows room for priority jobs such as product innovation. The bots are intelligent - they rationalize costs while enhancing customer delight. Senseforth currently has 16 bots, of which 12 are existent and four newly built, which can independently function and is integrable. These bots are powered by six powerful engines, each of which brings in different intelligences to the bots.

The bots are as follows:

Chat bot - Intelligent agent to interact with your customers and answer all their queries.

Email bot - Reads all your customer emails, categorizes, prioritizes, actionizes and helps resolve their issues.

Knowledge bot - Comprehends all unstructured data in your organization and provides knowledge nuggets on demand.

Sales bot - Surfaces your products and services where needed and provides a gentle discovery.

Offers bot - Delivers right offers on location to your customers - anytime, anywhere.

Remittances bot - Streamlines your remittances and makes the entire process efficient.

Insights bot - Provides meaningful insights and isolates root causes for systemic action.

Training bot - Offers on demand bite-sized training to enable continuous learning.

HR bot - Addresses employee queries and helps in onboarding and retention.

DIY bot - Helps customers accomplish their goals with their DIY projects.

Wealth bot - Structures personalized portfolios to your customers and advises on investment opportunities.

Search bot - Provides smart predictive search to find relevant information/products.

Executive assistant bot - Provides realtime dashboards and aids decision making for senior management.

Intelligent medical assistant - Provides a conversational interface for doctors and patients and also fetches patient records on demand.

Retail bot - Creates a dialog between brands and consumers and also acts as a consumer companion during the use of any product/appliance.

Finally, how is it being used for high accuracy and engaging conversational user experiences

Senseforth is industry leading in terms of accuracy. Marri said: "We have bench marked our technology with several global NLP engines and constantly strive to increase the accuracy levels of our bots. There are several elements that make our conversational interfaces engaging.

"First users are not expected to use buttons, drop-downs, multi-tiered menus, check boxes, etc. They just use natural language inputs to interact with our bots. Our bots also learn based on user interactions and all the learning flows back into the bot’s knowledge repository on a regular basis which in turn helps us enhance the user experience."

There are examples of verticals and the where usage is happening.

We have strategised our operations to focus on those industries that are customer centric. Senseforth operates in banking, telecom, e-commerce, healthcare and travel industries. The banking industry has vast application for bots, which we have tapped into providing an efficient and streamlined customer solution. Travel industry has a high real time demand from its customers, which the bots handle really well.

Banking: People hate wading through complex banking websites. More so waiting on the call-center lines. So now chatting with Senseforth to find specific information, place requests, give instructions and even perform banking transactions, definitely seems likable.

Healthcare: A doctor treats hundreds of patients every week. Senseforth's intelligent medical assistant helps him quickly retrieve patient information including diagnoses, prescriptions, medical history and even medical imaging on the go.

E-commerce: Senseforth is your perfect shopping guide. It can get the right options based on your shopping needs. You don’t have to click on dozens of filters and search through hundreds of products any more.

Telecom: Senseforth helps you choose the right data plan by asking a few simple questions over a chat. Being a millennial, you would love chatting, for fun and of course, to get things done.

Travel: Organizing travel can be stressful. However, the stress-buster is also with you. No more complex form filling. Find the right travel deals, ask for information, seek clarification, and even check-in by simply chatting with Senseforth.


Pradeep Chakraborty

BW Reporters Pradeep is an editorial member at BW CIO.

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