SAP SE unveiled the India Digital Experience Report , which revealed how India’s best known brands can jeopardize customer loyalty over an unsatisfied digital experience.
The report states that only 8 per cent of customers unsatisfied with their digital experience would continue to remain loyal to the brand.
SAP’s India Digital Experience Report highlights how some of the country’s largest brands perform in delivering digital experiences to their customers.
Key findings from the report:
* Only 8 percent customers unsatisfied with digital experience would continue to remain loyal to a brand.
* On average, consumers delighted with the digital experience are five times more likely to disclose information with organizations across industry.
* A significant digital gap exists between the best and worst performing brands across all markets in Asia Pacific Japan.
* The gap between the highest and lowest scoring brands was 60 percent points.
* 59 percent of consumers were delighted and 15 percent unsatisfied with their digital experience.
* India achieved a digital experience score of 44 percent.
* Automotive was the top performing sector followed by banking.
* Lagging in digital experience are telcos, utilities and government.
Digital experiences can make or break a brand in today’s era. A strong digital infrastructure is imperative for any brand to remain relevant for its audience. The report further finds how a significant digital gap exists between the best and worst performing brands across all markets in Asia Pacific Japan.
Industry reports state that India’s economy is expected to grow from US$2 trillion to US$10 trillion by the year 2030.
“Digital transformation will be crucial for accelerating the growth of India’s economy,” said Deb Deep Sengupta, president and MD, SAP Indian Subcontinent.
“The report corroborates the need for the industry to identify ‘Digital Business Leaders’ who can address the digital experience that businesses provide to their customers. SAP feels proud to be associated with these ‘Digital Winners’ who have embraced a digital mindset and a will to succeed in this digital economy.”