Spectralink Corp. announced a strategic partnership with French distributor Réseau Alliance-com to deliver end-to-end enterprise-grade DECT and superior voice over Wi-Fi mobility solutions to the VoIP and UC technology channel in France through its market leading network.
Serving the French market for over 20 years, Réseau Alliance-com is today’s national distribution leader in telecoms, video-conferencing, networking and unified communications platforms. Réseau Alliance-com boasts 11 sales centres (10,000m2 of warehousing), 130 technical experts and support hotlines for voice-data convergence solutions. Spectralink joins Alliance-com’s 90+ partners.
Matthieu Chessari of Alliance-com outlined his vision: “We focus on productive proximity with our network of vendors, few of whom habitually work in English. Spectralink’s native language support people are critical to what this relationship will produce – pre-, during and post-sales. The French market has been a little slow to adopt converged solutions, but now the market is accelerating fast in terms of IP solutions, unified communications and cloud adoption, driven in large part by SME activity.
"As well as native language speakers, we appreciate all the localised marketing that Spectralink offers in terms of market and technical knowledge, collaborative lead-generation, support materials and brand awareness activity. As the market rapidly develops, this support – which delivers actionable benefits to vendors – will be critical as organisations move to smarter DECT solutions or migrate to Wi-Fi options running over Cisco and MS Skype for Business."