Quortus Announces Industry’s First App-based Edge Computing Solutions

Quortus announced PocketEPC, the first in a range of App-based edge computing solutions that will dramatically change the way in which cellular technology is configured and deployed, paving the way for the 5G networks of the future. PocketEPC – a complete 4G cellular core network realized as an App – will be offered via the Lime Micro LimeNET Ubuntu App Store.

PocketEPC is the flagship product in a new range from Quortus that includes virtualized, App-based implementations of both key cellular functions and value-added applications such as enterprise-level access control, caching and local breakout.

When hosted on a platform such as LimeNET, PocketEPC allows rapid, cost-effective development of a 4G (or 5G / IoT) network, putting the powerful features of cellular technology in the hands of a range of individuals and organizations for the first time.

Built on “download-and-go” principles and delivered at low cost, PocketEPC will foster innovation and spawn a new edge-App ecosystem by giving academia, the developer community and even individuals access to technology that historically has been restricted to large, specialized vendors.

This concept was demonstrated at the recent BT Infinity Labs / Lime Mini Hackathon, which searched for innovative development teams ready to make a real impact on the future of mobile by the use of leading edge technology.

The new range of cellular Apps from Quortus will include a variety of virtualized 3GPP standards-compliant core network functions, collapsed into a super-efficient software instance and made available as ‘Edge Function Apps’.

Functions may be “pushed” to the network edge by mobile network operators (MNOs), or may be pulled down by private cellular operators or enterprises, reflecting the increased interest in the use of cellular – and particularly 4G/LTE – for private network deployments.

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