LS telcom announced the publication of a report produced for Ofcom to better understand the impact of mobile signal attenuation inside vehicles.
Together with Siroda, a specialist in RF signal measurements, LS telcom conducted a study, which included a unique in-car mobile signal measurement campaign. The report “In-car Mobile Signal Attenuation Measurements” presents a comprehensive set of in-car mobile signal attenuation results as well as statistical analysis of the measurement data.
The unique aspect of the study required careful consideration of undertaking mobile signal attenuation inside vehicles, which covered all of the mobile frequencies in use by the mobile network operators including 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz. The drive test was repeated for a range of popular vehicle types found in the UK and measured the mobile signals in urban, suburban, and rural areas along a 100 km route.
The empirical data will be used by Ofcom to help conduct mobile signal coverage predictions for UK’s roads and also better understand the signal quality that can be received by consumers inside vehicles.