Now developers can build voice bots for telephony services on Ozonetel's Platform

A pioneer in cloud communication and Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) space, Ozonetel creates and deploys cloud contact centre solutions globally. Chaitanya Chokkareddy, the CIO at Ozonetel believes that their zero-installation and instant go-live solutions are what sets Ozonetel’s services apart from its competitors. “Our products enable an overall reduction in costs and also helps improve customer service agent performance by 40 per cent,” he says. 

Ozonetel recently launched its Voice Bot platform. This platform enables easy development of voice bots for different voice endpoints such as telephony, mobile app, websites, and digital assistants. Any existing chatbots can also be ported to this platform as it allows developers to easily add a voice channel to their existing chatbot.

Sarabjeet Kaur from BW CIOWORLD spoke with Chaitanya Chokkareddy, Chief Innovation Office, Ozonetel to understand the recent developments.

  • What differentiates Ozonetel’s Voice Bot Platform from its competitors?

We are the only company who owns the full tech stack. Our bot platform is built on our own neural network architecture. Additionally, we provide real-time speech recognition processing and allow natural conversations. We have the best speech understanding platform for a lot of domains.

  • How is Ozonetel transforming customer support through its platforms?

We started off by enabling developers to build innovative telephony solutions using India’s first cloud telephony platform KOOKOO. Later on, we launched the world’s first pure cloud contact centre solution Cloudagent using which businesses could easily setup contact centres for their support. Now that we have handled more than 3 billion interactions on our platform, we can apply our learnings to automate a lot of those interactions.

  • What is Ozonetel’s KOOKOO Platform?

Ozonetel’s KOOKOO Cloud Agent is a call centre software solution that functions as an inbound and outbound call centre. CloudAgent shifts the company’s entire contact centre and its functions into a single browser for them to monitor, track and make critical decisions. KOOKOO platform supports over 50,000 live agents and has handled over 3 billion calls. 

Equipped with all contact centre functionalities and business intelligence, Cloud Agent ensures that one provide a world-class experience to their customers. Engage with their customers through multiple channels such as voice, email, chat, SMS, and social media.

KOOKOO Interactive Assistant (KIA) on the other hand, is a widget that enables customer service helpdesks to run voice calls and chat sessions in parallel. The KIA widget integrates with Zendesk, Salesforce, Zoho CRM and all other CRM solutions to automatically capture lead details in the CRM.

  • What is the growing importance of voice bots in customer support compared to chatbots?

Voice is by far the most natural conversation medium. And with the advent of home assistants like Google Home and Alexa, it is now proven that customers would love to interact with bots using voice. Chatbots were introduced earlier and have gone through the hype cycle. Most chatbots did not live up to the potential as they were nothing more than glorified web forms. And especially in a market like India where still a lot of customers can be illiterate voice bots provide a medium of communication to those users which otherwise would not have been possible.

  • What are the trends you are noticing in respect to voice bot and chatbots in India?

Voice bots and chatbots will more than 70 per cent of repetitive tasks in a coming couple of years. They will be the first point of contact for most businesses.

  • What are your key offerings to the Indian consumer?

We offer a plug and play cloud contact centre solution. We also provide a developer platform including voice bot support for developers to build innovative voice solutions.

  • Having a global setup, what is the share of investments that have been dedicated to the Indian market?

India has always been a major market for us. Even for the coming year, we will dedicate 50% of investments for the Indian market.

  • How do you plan to expand your investment in the Indian market?

We will be looking at putting most of our investment in ramping up our sales force to go after the SME segment and also to attract developers to our voice bot platform. A significant portion of the investment will also be made on R&D for speech services.

  • What is the road ahead in cloud communication and telephony?

AI and ML will become cornerstones for cloud communication and telephony. Voice services will be made available on a variety of channels in addition to telephony like apps, web widgets and dedicated home assistants.

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