Increased Requirement for DevOps, yet Adoption Falls Behind

GitLab released the results of its second annual developer survey, revealing that implementing DevOps is the highest priority for software professionals in 2018. Survey results reveal developers now understand the need and importance of DevOps as a critical piece to the software development lifecycle, although it is still in the early stages of adoption.
Meera Subbarao, senior principal consultant at Synopsys' Software Integrity Group, said: "Organisations are pushing new software and updating existing software almost daily, and in some cases several times in a day. DevOps integrates development, security and operations activities to improve quality, security, productivity and collaboration.
"Most repetitive tasks are automated, such as testing, security and infrastructure provisioning. However, there is no close relationship with developers, security and operations teams. In most organisations, operations and security teams deploy some tools, automate them and declare DevOps victory and development teams have no clue whatsoever.
"There needs to be continuous collaboration and communication between the development, security and operations teams, not just continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD) or continuous deployment (CD) . There needs to be a clearly defined process in place for the teams to work together, and this is where continuous collaboration and communication helps achieve DevOps goals."