How Mobile Retail Surge Is Giving Rise to Unprecedented Risks

Mobile retailing is the fastest-growing retail sector, responsible for 35% of online sales in USA and 30% in Europe. This is largely owed to the convenience and ease that comes with online transactions in the modern world, with mobile payments technology making it possible for consumers to purchase and pay for products within a matter of clicks on their smart devices. The advantages of mobile retail are clear, but avoiding the hassle of long queues and travel is only one part of the story. Alongside the luxury of being able to shop from the comfort of your own home, there are added perks as a result of retailers having visibility into buying habits online. In the world of mobile shopping, retailers are able to cater to customers with offers, discounts and promotions that are tailored specifically to the individual. With opportunity, however, comes risk. The huge spike in traffic we have seen this holiday season, with events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday causing global sales to surge, has left the websites of major retailers vulnerable to cyber criminals. As cybercrime moves up the agenda for large enterprises, the sophistication of today

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