HDFC Life, one of India's leading private life insurance companies, announced the launch of India's first life insurance Email Bot. The Email Bot, named SPOK can automatically read, understand, categorise, prioritise and respond to customer emails that are sent to HDFC Life, within milliseconds.
This automation initiative will enable HDFC Life to respond to user queries faster and more efficiently and consistently. It will also help generate deeper insight on customer needs by identifying patterns in customer interactions and facilitating HDFC Life to progressively anticipate and address all customer issues and needs.
The deployment of SPOK will improve customer experience, while providing the support staff with the bandwidth to focus on customer satisfaction and delight.
Subrat Mohanty, senior EVP at HDFC Life, said: “We pride ourselves on using the latest technology to continuously improve customer experience. SPOK will help us increase our operational efficiency and we are excited to see how these interactions with our customers provide us inputs to enrich their future experience with us."
HDFC Life has embarked on this initiative in collaboration with Senseforth, a startup that offers a wide range of enterprise bots built on its AI platform.
“We are excited to partner with HDFC Life in this journey to transform their customer interactions using cutting edge AI technologies.” said Shridhar Marri, CEO and co-founder, Senseforth.
"The Email Bot is built on cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing technologies. It functions on A.Ware, our AI Platform. A.ware mimics human cognitive abilities in reading, comprehending, interpreting, and conversing/"
Artificial intelligence special purpose bots learn and evolve based on guided learning principles and are proficient with customer emotion. This will help HDFC Life constantly enhance customer experience going forward.