Hacking taking over IoT

Walking around having smart devices all around you now have the ability to convey data over the internet without any human-human or human-computer interaction. The world is adapting the concept of Internet of things (IoT) and as this concept starts to grow, the threat of its security starts to rise along with it. Any device connected with the internet provides access to the hacker to hack the device easily. Thus comes the security threat along with it.
IoT has increased the connectivity of the internet with not only regular used devices like desktops, smartphones, laptops, and smartwatches. But with the increase in the demand for these devices, the industry has expanded itself and created more gadgets that use internet connectivity and ease the functioning of humans. Smart TVs, lighting, homes, security are some of the examples of the amplified field in IoT.
IoT Hacking is a newer concept as it has risen with the rise in the development of these gadgets. The expansion of data connectivities starts to increase the concern towards IoT security and IoT privacy. One most scandalous case of IoT attacks was Mirai, a botnet that was affected by malware and did things without the knowledge of the owner. It was responsible to take down many websites for a while. IoT devices that protected the sites was inappropriately secured thus hacker gained access to the sites.
How can you prevent the devices from being hacked?
IoT devices will grow in the future so there should be more privacy and security for such devices. Hacking has become an easier job over time. The aim is to make the data and information security.