Enterprise Mobility Market In India Is Growing Steadily And Merging With The Digital Transformation Market: DronaHQ

BW CIO: What is the role of DronaHQ as a provider of enterprise mobile platform?

Enterprise Mobile/Digital Platform is a complete technology stack available for enterprise development teams, DevOps teams, business units and users to easily and smoothly transform existing apps to modern or create (design, develop, deliver and maintain) new applications which can be accessed through modern devices like mobile, web, desktop, IoT, voice assistants etc.

DronaHQ is a Digital Enablement Platform for building Multi-Experience Applications. It aids in every aspect of digital transformation ecosystem, from developing new apps, modernizing legacy systems, offering enterprise connectors and integrations to driving a digital culture with ease of adoption. 

BW CIO: What is the growth trajectory of enterprise mobility solutions in the Indian market in terms of its demand?

Enterprise mobility market in India is growing steadily at same time merging with Digital Transformation Market, which is growing at a speed. In a survey by IDC, 37% of Indian organizations have rated enterprise mobility as high priority. According to a new research produced by Microsoft in partnership with International Data Corporation (IDC), by 2021, digital transformation will add an estimated $154 billion to India’s GDP and increase the growth rate by 1% annually.

BW CIO: How does DronaHQ keep a check on providing personalized experience?

Our platform offers capabilities for role based access and capture insights on each mobile app user’s behavior, interests and preferences. It logs mobile app user sessions, screen views, time spent per screen. It allows sending push notifications to specific mobile app users based on their activity, survey responses, purchases and product inventory. Notifications can even include dynamic 1:1 recommendations.

BW CIO: What is the suite of products and services offered by DronaHQ that enable development of mobile (modern) applications?

  1. Low Code Multi app dev platform
  2. Meta Container across Mobile + Desktop
  3. API Genie – build APIs from Web apps
  4. VOICE – cross platform voice apps
  5. Enterprise Data connectors
  6. Content Management
  7. Ready apps/Pre-built Templates
  8. Design Services
  9. Development & Deployment Services

BW CIO: What is the impact of connected devices on enterprise mobility?

We are seeing rise in app demands for connected devices as the demand has reached management board rooms as well. With digital transformation moving to maturity stage, there is a pressing need on enterprises to reap potential value in next few years by building an ecosystem and right culture.

BW CIO: Does IoT signal a bright future for enterprise mobility?

Yes, IoT, voice, smart device, and connected devices are all being adopted. Organizations are seeing this as an opportunity to generate new revenue stream or in gaining competitive advantage and achieve higher operational efficiency.

BW CIO: Device management and security practices need to evolve to support an influx of new endpoints and data. How do you keep a check on security measures?

We offer platform with tightly coupled enterprise grade security features. With the rise of new endpoints, security threats increase, so we try to address this with upgraded features in every new release. For instance, when BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) became popular, many IT security departments implemented mobile device management (MDM) platforms to extend security policy to non-corporate owned devices. But organizations observed that end-users were not comfortable to install an MDM agent on their personal device. As a solution, we offered features like an MDM but at application level. Giving control to admin to remote wipe, check activity logs, screenshot detection and more, without user installing an agent on his/her device.

BW CIO: What is the role of gamification in enterprise mobility? Are Indian organizations adopting gamification for their workforce training and management?

Gamification plays an important role to create successful apps. We have incorporated gamification modules in our platform to create engaging apps for employee training, engagement, field sales motivation. 

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