Digital Age is reshaping workplaces with innovative technologies

In this digital age, we are at the threshold of HR transformation. Leveraging technology to construct a conducive environment and an inclusive mind-set among the employees is a major challenge faced by HR in 2019. Using advanced digital technology to revolutionize the current workforce management can breathe fresh air into Performance Management.


  • Traditional performance management approaches can’t keep up because they only focus on business goals & efficiency and not on individual growth and engagement.
    • According to Accenture Strategy research, only 34% of leaders believe current performance management approaches are highly effective 
      • Technology can improve Performance Management by creating customized learning and coaching experiences which can create a corporate culture that celebrates workforce agility and adaptability 


Let’s understand the demographic of the corporate sector with some key stats about the workforce in India-

  • A survey by Morgan Stanley Investment Management showed that 57% of India's working millennials are already the chief wage earners of overall household 
    • SHRM projects that the percentage of millennials in the workforce will reach 75% by 2025. 
      • A survey conducted by Cigna TTK Health Insurance Co. states that 95% of Indian millennials admit to being stressed- more millennials than any other nation in the world.

Treated as a communication channel between the top and bottom level, the Middle Management is often comprised of stressed employees. According to the latest India Employee Survey by Hush, the health of corporate employees have declined over the years with one out of five suffering from workplace depression. Anxiety about the corporate culture and workload causes tremendous Job Stress.Moreover, when an employee’s personal ethics clash with the organisation, it results in ethical dilemmas leading to Ethical Stress. This inadvertently causes low productivity, increased absenteeism, and intention to quit among employees. ASSOCHAM has declared that the annual cost of absenteeism to companies, in terms of lost productivity, is an alarming USD 1.17 Billion. 


Identifying the signs of organisational stress through technology is only the first step towards designing a strategy to set goals and formulate an action plan for improvement.

At the core of an effective work-life balance, two concepts are relevant to each of us. They are achievement and enjoyment. Managers in the corporate sector can curb employees’ self-care deprivation during big projects by merging lifestyle goals of employees with the organisation objectives.

  • Incentivising good health with gift cards to those who complete a corporate wellbeing program
    • Ensuring the availability of healthier options like fresh fruits, protein snacks and healthy beverages in the break room
      • Introduction of virtual reality tech at workplace for counselling options, therapy and Yoga


The heart beats only if personal and organisational values resonate. Introduction of workplace counselling gives the employees a safe space to talk about their problems and helps them view issues with a new perspective. And for leaders to become a coach, we need to provide feedback to our teams. Technology-enabled performance management tools with regular feedback helps to focus on people development in a holistic manner by enabling managers to become effective listeners. 

After taking feedback from the employees, I introduced healthier food options at my workplace, I have realized this provides workers enough motivation to feel the internal benefits of living a healthier life. 


We are in the Digital Age where machine intelligence can even predict our future behaviors. Coaching and feedback in real-time via Artificial Intelligence can improve performance and employee experience. The best coaching between a manager and employee is achieved with frequent one-on-one conversations covering expectations, feedback, and growth & development. According to a report by Accenture, this approach has enabled Adobe to become an agile businesses by supporting honest conversations that focus more on future developments rather than past performance.

Discussions need to be started about coaching, mental well-being and merging them Performance Management Technology. Innovative technologies are reshaping the workplace practices in this Digital Age. Aligning technology with personal and organisational goals will help us design the best solutions to boost employee productivity by improving their personal decisions and health.


Sanjay Lakhotia.

Guest Author Sanjay Lakhotia is the co-founder of Noble House Consulting Pte, an HR talent marketplace that helps independent consultants find short- and long-term assignments as per their skill set. A seasoned HR professional with a background in technology development, he has more than 20 years of experience in working across all areas of HR including HR Transformation, Leadership development, HR technology deployment, Performance culture, Rewards etc. His last assignment with Hewitt was as the Head of Operations for Asia Pac.

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