Ambee, Razor Join Hand To provide accurate and reliable environmental data to users

Ambee, a company that supplies hyperlocal data on environmental factors in real time across the globe, and Razor Network, a leading decentralized oracle platform, have partnered to provide accurate and reliable environmental data to blockchain applications and users.
With this association, Razor Network will be compatible with high resolution data from Ambee, and will support APIs for air quality, weather, pollen, fire, soil, water vapour and more.
This partnership will help developers on leading blockchain platforms use Ambee’s environmental data to develop a range of applications that apply blockchain to deepen problem solving for businesses that are affected by environmental factors and climate change.
A report by the World Health Organization indicates that air pollution kills an estimated 7 million people worldwide. Air pollution is at the epicentre of climate change and tackling it has been a massive challenge for citizens, businesses,and governments across the world. The lack of real time environmental data can lead to major health risks as well as economic loss. This is where Ambee’s environmental intelligence data plays a pivotal role in providing real time air quality insights that can help with data driven decision making.
Currently, data related to hazardous fluctuations in the environment are not verifiable, publicly available, tamper-proof, and most importantly, scalable. This is where Razor Network Decentralized Oracles will play a pivotal role in providing robust, trustworthy, and reliable environmental data for industries, authorities, citizens, and researchers across the globe. Startups in the DeFi, insurance, and other environmental blockchain startups will be able to use this verified data available on the Razor Network Decentralized Oracles.
Incorporating environmental data in blockchain applications addresses multiple environmental challenges and helps fight climate change. It can be used to ensure transparency in claims made by companies on environmental impact, make supply chains more transparent and encourage citizens through financial rewards to adopt environmentally friendly practices. It can also help understand the primary causes behind increases in temperature, and track emission of greenhouse gases at a post code level. In addition to this, in the field of agriculture, weather and soil data can be used for forecasting yield, better crop management and measuring risks associated with extreme weather conditions.
Hrishikesh Huilgolkar, CEO, Razor Oracle Network, said, "Razor’s integration with Ambee API will be a foundation to help blockchain developers access secure and verified environmental intelligence data. This will address the problems of data reliability that exist in pollution monitoring and it will help developers to use this data to create applications that can be used by major Industries, Government Agencies and Healthcare companies worldwide”
Commenting on the partnership, Madhusudan Anand, CTO and Co-founder at Ambee, said “One of the ways to address key environmental issues is by bringing in behavioural change among people. Blockchain technology has the potential to do this by building trust and making people accountable for their actions. It can play a key role in creating significant environmental impact. We are happy to partner with Razor Network to make our environmental data available on blockchain. It can help in finding solutions for pressing environmental problems. Blockchain developers can now use our hyperlocal real time air quality data for building financial products like crop insurance, risk assessment, ESG and climate-related financial instruments”
Ambee uses a multimodal approach to monitor air quality at a street by street level. In addition to government sensor data, proprietary IoT sensors, and open source data, Ambee uses satellite imagery, weather and meteorological data, to measure air quality. Ambee's proprietary algorithms carefully factor in human activities like garbage burning, vehicular traffic, construction and industrial emissions that play a major role in pollution and GHG emissions, and other hyperlocal environmental factors.
Razor’s oracle network is blockchain agnostic, which enables Razor’s solution to be used by developers irrespective of their platform of choice. Razor offers maximum game theoretical security and a completely decentralized infrastructure, which makes Razor’s Oracle network superior to all conventional centralized solutions.